Preliminary study on pre-treatment physical activity and quality of life in infertility

Viktória Prémusz ,
Viktória Prémusz

University of Pécs, MTA-PTE Human Reproduction Scientific Research Group, Pécs, Hungary,

Alexandra Makai ,
Alexandra Makai

University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Pécs, Hungary,

Boróka Gács ,
Boróka Gács

University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy, Pécs, Hungary,

Ágnes Nagy ,
Ágnes Nagy

University of Pécs, Medical School, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Pécs, Hungary,

Beatrix Perjés ,
Beatrix Perjés

University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Pécs, Hungary,

Pongrác Ács ,
Pongrác Ács

University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Pécs, Hungary,

Kinga Lampek ,
Kinga Lampek

University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Pécs, Hungary,

Ákos Várnagy
Ákos Várnagy

University of Pécs, Faculty of Health Sciences, Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Pécs, Hungary,

Published: 01.12.2018.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (2019)

pp. 5-17;



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Mla: Prémusz, Viktória. Preliminary study on pre-treatment physical activity and quality of life in infertility. Exercise and Quality of Life. 2019. p. 5–17.
Prémusz, Viktória. Preliminary study on pre-treatment physical activity and quality of life in infertility. Exercise and Quality of Life. 2019. p. 5–17.



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