Inclusion of preschool children into organized activity in leisure time

Milenko Janković ,
Milenko Janković

University of Novi Sad, College for Vocational Education of Preschool Teachers, Novi Sad, Serbia,

Karolina Berenji ,
Karolina Berenji

Public Health Institute, Subotica, Serbia,

Zoran Milić ,
Zoran Milić

University of Novi Sad, College for Vocational Education of Preschool Teachers and Sport Coaches, Subotica, Serbia,

Sandra Vujkov
Sandra Vujkov

University of Novi Sad, College for Vocational Education of Preschool Teachers and Sport Coaches, Subotica, Serbia,

Published: 01.12.2017.

Volume 10, Issue 2 (2018)

pp. 31-37;



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