Dejan Magoc ,
Dejan Magoc

Department of Health Studies, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, United States

Joe Tomaka
Joe Tomaka

Department of Public Health, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, United States

Published: 01.06.2010.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (2010)

pp. 1-14;


The purpose of this study was to assess the general level of physical activity (PA) among predominantly Hispanic college population. In addition, the study examined the relationships between the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) constructs and PA. One hundred participants completed the questionnaire in regard to PA and SCT. The results of this study showed that 59% of the sample met recommendations for PA. Furthermore, self-efficacy was the only significant predictor of PA METS, β = .35, p < .01. This study helps understand the relationship between the SCT constructs and PA, suggesting that maintaining the SCT processes will lead to regular PA. Thus, encouraging and targeting PA together with cognitive changes might be of great interest for future research. 



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