Physiotherapy aspect of diagnosis and treatment of postural disorders

Snežana Tomašević-Todorović
Snežana Tomašević-Todorović

Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Medical faculty, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia

Published: 01.06.2014.

Volume 6, Issue 1 (2014)

pp. 7-15;


Postural disorders are common among preschool and school-age children. In regard to gender and age distribution, children are characterized by different indicators of body posture. Posture
for different professionals has different importance, and from a standpoint of one physiatrist it represents a measure of the efficiency of muscular balance and neuromuscular coordination. Bad posture represents a functional deviation from normal posture status without structural changes to the
spine or lower extremities. Evaluation and treatment of postural disorders requires knowledge of
basic principles related to the conduct of individual body segments, joints and muscles. The combined physical training programmes that include strength and muscle stretching exercises, particularly with regard to the postural antigravity muscles, should help in the prevention of health problems that could occur later in life. Future research on the impact of early school-based back posture promotion in relation to the integration of back posture principles according to biomechanical
favourable lifestyle and back pain prevalence later in life is essential.



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