The influence of dancing and game contents on preschoolers’ motor engagement

Živorad Marković ,
Živorad Marković

Faculty of pedagogical science, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia

Dragoljub Višnjić
Dragoljub Višnjić

Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Published: 01.12.2016.

Volume 8, Issue 1 (2016)

pp. 10-18;


The goal of this study was to examine the influence of dancing and game contents on
preschoolers’ motor engagement in each phase, as well as total engagement in directed motor
activities. The study was realized in the first term of 2014/2015 school year. 12 activities with
dancing contents and 12 activities with moving games were monitored. The duration of directed
motor activity phases was as follows: the first A phase (introductory) – five minutes, the first B
phase (preparatory) – five minutes, the second phase (main) – fifteen minutes and the third phase
(final) – five minutes. The time of the activity (engagement) was measured by random choice of
one of the children, who was monitored during the directed activity. The observed child did not
know that he/she was an object of measurement. Data processing included descriptive statistics
and t-test for small independent samples. The parameters of descriptive statistics indicate longer
engagement of children in the first A phase, the third phase and total engagement with dancing
contents. Game contents influenced higher engagement in the first B phase and the second phase.
Game contents influenced statistically significant difference in relation to dancing contents in the
third phase. The total engagement with the dancing contents was 725 seconds, with game
contents 707 seconds. The t-test does not indicate statistically significant difference between
dancing and game contents in terms of preschoolers’ total engagement. The results indicate that
the activities with dancing and game contents are very useful in working with preschoolers.
Keywords: dance, game, engagement, directed motor activity, preschoolers



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